Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Patch Management for Roaming Users

All of us understand the importance of applying Software Patches on regular basis . We know that if we do not regularly apply Software Patches , we become easy targets for Virus and Cyber attacks. Many Customers have also invested in various Software Tools which help them distribute Software Patches . But most of these tools work only over a LAN and so are setup typically in the Head Office only. As a result the devices of the roaming users are often compromised .

The good news is that there is an excellent Cloud based IT Infrastructure Management Solution which does Patch Management, in addition to host of other things .

To know how it works  ,    click here

Please leave your valued feedback by clicking  here

with warm regards
 Suresh Ramani

Microsoft MVP 2009
Microsoft Worldwide Partner of the Year 2011 & 2007

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Prevent Copy – Paste on Mobiles and Tablets

In today’s world, Companies are giving access on Mobile Devices like Smart phones and Tablets to Corporate Data via Emails and Documents. While this improves the agility of the Company , the downside is that it also can be a source of data theft . The sensitive data could be copied and pasted on another personal storage by the user . 

Fortunately , there is a way to resolve this issue. The Solution lies in using Enterprise Mobility Suite , also known as EMS.

To know how it works  ,    click here

Please leave your valued feedback by clicking  here

with warm regards

 Suresh Ramani

Microsoft MVP 2009
Microsoft Worldwide Partner of the Year 2011 & 2007