Microsoft Worldwide Partner of the Year 2011 & 2007
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Email Security. Monitor Email Forwarding
Microsoft Worldwide Partner of the Year 2011 & 2007
Friday, December 11, 2015
Backup Your Data to the Azure Cloud
Microsoft Worldwide Partner of the Year 2011 & 2007
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Email Tip. Use Sweep to Keep Your Inbox Empty
Over past few posts I have been talking about how we can get more out of our Email systems. The reason is that for most of us Email is totally indispensable . So if we can squeeze more out of our Email system , it automatically adds to our Productivity.
One sure fire way to increase Email Productivity is to keep our Inbox Empty . I have already discussed a few techniques for the same. Today the focus is to discuss a new feature of Exchange Online called as Sweep. This automated method works on a set policy and is guaranteed to help you de-clutter your Inbox.
To know more about how Sweep works, click here.
To learn about some of the techniques, click here
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with warm regards
Suresh Ramani
YouTube :
Microsoft MVP 2009
Microsoft Worldwide Partner of the Year 2011 & 2007
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Email Tip. Convert Email to Task
A typical work day for an average person consists of Meetings and Tasks. And increasingly, the source of tasks is incoming Email. Unfortunately the earlier mails get buried under new mails and thus tasks are not attended to. There is an elegant and fool proof solution by which this issue can be taken care of. To know about the same click on the link below:
You can achieve an Empty Inbox by using a combination of techniques. To know about these techniques, click on the link below:
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with warm regards
Suresh Ramani
YouTube :
Microsoft MVP 2009
Microsoft Worldwide Partner of the Year 2011 & 2007
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Email Tip. Keep Your Inbox Empty
Email is the preferred mode of Communication at Work. One major drawback of Work Emails is that they tend to overwhelm the recipient . The volume of Emails is increasing by the day . And if the recipient had not handled the mails ( majority do not) , then the person begins to feel inadequate . There is a slow creepy feeling that maybe an important email is lying in the inbox still waiting to be addressed. And there are literally hundreds and thousands of Emails lying in the inbox. The very thought of looking for an important email in that HUGE pile is scary.
I will talk about a few techniques which will automate the task of keeping your Inbox almost empty. These techniques are best implemented if you use Outlook as the Email client. And in my opinion, if you are not using MS Outlook, then you are not using the BEST Email and personal productivity Client in the World.
To learn about some of the techniques, click here
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with warm regards
Suresh Ramani
YouTube :
Microsoft MVP 2009
Microsoft Worldwide Partner of the Year 2011 & 2007
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Why Upgrade to Windows 10
Windows 10 is having some great momentum . Close to 100 million devices are already on Windows 10. However , there are many people out there who have not yet upgraded although they qualify for the free upgrade . Since the upgrade offer is valid till July 28, 2016 , I strongly suggest that they should upgrade.
I have also created a few resources which highlight the benefits of upgrading .
1) Video on benefits of upgrading. Click here .
This link also gives information on benefits of upgrading specific to XP, 7 or 8.1 user.
2) New features of Windows 10 explained here
If you prefer watching the video on YouTube , check this link :
And if you prefer watching videos on Vimeo, check this link :
with warm regards
Suresh Ramani
YouTube :
Microsoft MVP 2009
Microsoft Worldwide Partner of the Year 2011 & 2007
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
De Clutter Your Email Inbox with Clutter
Email has become absolutely indispensable for any Organization, Large or Small. However , the flip side of the same is that every user is getting more and more mails every day. However, not all the mails received are equally important . Typically , the mails can be divided into multiple categories:
Probably Useful
Very Important
The Irrelevant mails should be marked as SPAM or JUNK . Exchange Online , which is part of Office 365 , has a very powerful Anti Spam Engine which takes care the Spam Mails. In any case , this category of mails is such that User does not wish to spend anytime on these mails. So it is relatively easy to deal with them. Trash them !
It is the second Category of Mails , the ones that are probably useful , but not important . The bulk of non spam mails received belong to this Category. So these mails sit along with very useful mails and then overwhelm the User . To deal with this Category of Emails , a new tool has been launched in Office 365 . Its called Clutter .
To know more about Clutter , visit the following link :
with warm regards
Suresh Ramani
YouTube :
Microsoft MVP 2009
Microsoft Worldwide Partner of the Year 2011 & 2007
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Windows 10 . All Your Questions Answered
Windows 10 was off to a flying start when it was launched on July 29 , 2015 at its Worldwide launch. Within 24 hours , it was setup on more than 14 million PCs.
There is a HUGE Excitement around Windows 10 . At the same time , there are questions and a few concerns also from the User Community .
I have tried to answer many of these questions and also put in a few resources on Windows 10. Here is the link to the resources on Windows 10 :
with warm regards
Suresh Ramani
YouTube :
Microsoft MVP 2009
Microsoft Worldwide Partner of the Year 2011 & 2007
Thursday, July 9, 2015
Boost Productivity with One Note plus SharePoint plus Mobile
MS Office is used by all of us multiple times a day ! However , there is one jewel in MS Office which very few of us have used. And that is One Note . So what is One Note ? It’s a Note taking application. It consists of Sections and within sections are pages. And when you combine One Note with SharePoint and throw in a Smart Phone, what you get a Phenomenal Combo which gives you superb Productivity !
To know more about how you can see your Productivity zoom , visit the following link:
with warm regards
Suresh Ramani
YouTube :
Microsoft MVP 2009 Microsoft Worldwide Partner of the Year 2011 & 2007
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
TechGyan achieves Gold Competency in Cloud Solutions
I am super proud to announce that our Company TechGyan is now a Gold Certified Partner for Microsoft Cloud Solutions for Small & Medium Enterprises . This places us right in the top 1 percent of Microsoft Partner Ecosystem .
This Microsoft Gold Cloud Small and Mid Market Cloud Competency showcases our expertise in today’s technology market especially in the area of Social, Mobility , Analytics and Cloud ( SMAC ) and demonstrates our knowledge of Microsoft and its products especially the Cloud Productivity Suite Office 365 .
A Special thanks to my Media friends for giving fantastic coverage in their publications :
In DQ Week :
In Channeltimes:
with warm regards
Suresh Ramani
YouTube :
Microsoft MVP 2009
Microsoft Worldwide Partner of the Year 2011 & 2007
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Email Retention Policies
Exchange Online, which comes bundled with Office 365 , has a very unique feature for Email compliance and Management . It is called Retention Policies.
Exchange Online offers two types of policies: archive policies and delete policies. Both types can be combined on the same item or folder. For example, a user can tag an email message to be automatically moved to the In-Place Archive in a specified number of days and deleted after another span of days.
To know more about Email retention Policies , click here
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with warm regards
Suresh Ramani
YouTube :
Microsoft MVP 2009
Microsoft Worldwide Partner of the Year 2011 & 2007
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Skype for Business is here
We all love Skype , especially the ease at which it facilitates communication . It has become an integral part in the lives of many Consumers and Small Businesses.
Now Microsoft has released Skype for Business which combines the simplicity and ease of use of Skype with the Business features of Lync Online , its Corporate Platform for Unified Communication.
There are 2 very apparent benefits available to the Organizations who use Skype for Business a) The Skype User Experience a) Ability to communicate with Skype users . This was not so simple when using Lync Online.
What’s more, Skype for Business is a part of Office 365 , the super loved Cloud Productivity Service from Microsoft.
To know more about Skype for Business , please visit the following link :
To understand how your Organization can benefit by adoption Unified Communication tool like Skype for Business, visit
Please leave your valued feedback by clicking here
with warm regards
Suresh Ramani
YouTube :
Microsoft MVP 2009
Microsoft Worldwide Partner of the Year 2011 & 2007
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Prevent Email attachment download while using browser
As Email is getting more and more critical for Organizations of all sizes, people are slowing waking up to the leakage of data via Email. One such area is via download of Email attachments when using a browser .
So here is a Business Situation. The Outlook of the User is configured with Office PC . But if the user has to access mails from outside , he can do so using a browser and his login. And it is here that there is a possibility of Data Leakage . The User can download the attachment from his browser to his Home PC very easily.
Fortunately there is a Solution available in Office 365 , the Cloud Service from Microsoft . To know more about the same , please visit the following link :
To know more about other Security and Productivity features of Exchange Online , the Email Service of Office 365 , visit
Please leave your valued feedback by clicking here
with warm regards
Suresh Ramani
YouTube :
Microsoft MVP 2009
Microsoft Worldwide Partner of the Year 2011 & 2007
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Reduce Communication costs with Unified Communication
In a modern world, our modes of Communication have multiplied. On an average work day , we use a combination of Phone, text chat , video conferencing solution , email , Online meetings , etc. Its safe to assume that Communication costs are a Big Ticket item in the Operating Costs for any Organization.
Fortunately there are some Cloud based tools which not only reduce the overall cost of Communication by upto 30% , they also do much more than simple Communication. One such tool which I love to use is Lync Online , which is part of Office 365 , the Best Productivity Suite in the World. With lync , you can do text chat , audio chat , video chat , have Online meetings with upto 250 people and lot more .
To know more about how Lync Online can help you do more streamlined Communication, please visit the following link where you will also find a video I have created on Lync:
Using Lync gives you many other benefits . You will find some of the benefits listed here:
Please leave your valued feedback by clicking here
with warm regards
Suresh Ramani
YouTube :
Microsoft MVP 2009
Microsoft Worldwide Partner of the Year 2011 & 2007
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Social, Mobility , Analytics, Cloud ( SMAC) adoption by Indian SME’s
As a Technology Consultant and Cloud Evangelist, I work extensively with Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). My definition of an SME is a company with 10 to 500 users — a user being someone who employs IT. In my opinion, Indians SMEs differ from Enterprise Customers in their approach to using technology. Indian SMEs rely heavily on their IT partners for technology adoption, unlike Enterprise Customers where CIO-led IT teams manage it.
I have recently authored an article which has appeared in “CIO Research Centre” , an online Publication for Indian CIO’s where I have laid down my thoughts on how an Indian Small and Mid sized company can adopt latest IT Technologies .
The full article appears in the following link :
Please leave your valued feedback by clicking here
with warm regards
Suresh Ramani
YouTube :
Microsoft MVP 2009
Microsoft Worldwide Partner of the Year 2011 & 2007
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Data Loss Prevention in Office 365
Office 365 Cloud Service comes bundled with many features which are focused on Compliance and Security . One of such features is Data Loss Prevention or DLP for short . The focus of this feature is to minimize loss of crucial Data which would otherwise be leaked out by internal people.
Office 365 supports various policies which can ensure that if the outgoing message does not comply with the policies, it would either be a) blocked b) warning message is given but message is not blocked c) message routed to internal auditor before being released .
To know more about DLP , please visit
with warm regards
Suresh Ramani
YouTube :
Microsoft MVP 2009
Microsoft Worldwide Partner of the Year 2011 & 2007
Friday, February 13, 2015
Windows Server 2003 will soon be End Of Life.. your Options?
Windows Server 2003 will be End Of Life on 14th July , 2015. It means Microsoft will STOP releasing Security Patches for it. That would mean:
a) Server will be open to massive attacks
b) New release of Server Applications will not work
c) Organizations will be non- compliant . Various legislations make it mandatory for Organizations to be compliant.
In such a case , if your Organization is running a Windows Server 2003, what are your options? Clearly you need to plan to move from Windows Server 2003 at the earliest . So that part is clear . Now what are your options?
To help you take an informed decision, some of the options have been discussed here:
with warm regards
Suresh Ramani
Microsoft MVP 2009
Microsoft Worldwide Partner of the Year 2011 & 2007
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Yammer … The Enterprise Social Platform
The usage of Social Media has in recent years skyrocketed. Almost everyone is familiar with Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Tools like Facebook make it very easy for people to collaborate with features like tagging, sharing information, making comments, newsfeed etc. One thought which comes in mind is that would it not be great to use such tool in Business for collaboration? But many Businesses are not willing to do so because of following issues:
1) Privacy concerns of Social Media
2) Workers could easily get distracted and spend time on personal non work stuff
Yammer is a perfect Solution in this scenario. It is a Facebook like Social Network but is restricted to the Company and external stake holders like Suppliers, Consultants, etc.
It is a part of Office 365 , the Cloud Productivity Platform from Microsoft.
To know more about Business Benefits of Yammer please click on the link below :
with warm regards
Suresh Ramani
Microsoft MVP 2009
Microsoft Worldwide Partner of the Year 2011 & 2007
Thursday, January 8, 2015
Delegate Access in Exchange Online
In Exchange Online , which is a part of Microsoft Cloud Service Office 365 , you can grant access to any folder which is part of your mailbox to any colleague of yours. This takes collaboration between Team members to the next level. Delegate access enables users to access some or all of the mailbox owner's folders and act on behalf of the mailbox owner. The mailbox owner can be a user, or a resource, like a conference room.
To know more about Delegate Access, please click on the link below :
with warm regards
Suresh Ramani
Microsoft MVP 2009
Microsoft Worldwide Partner of the Year 2011 & 2007